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Welcome back to our #TECHTips feature in support of National Tire Safety Week!

Our previous tip focused on the importance of ensuring all tire jobs are carried out by a trained professional, but it is also important for motorists to perform regular checks themselves to ensure their vehicle is safe to use. Regular inspections of a tire’s air pressure, tread depth and overall condition are important to not only deliver maximum mileage and wear but also make sure they are safe for the road.

  1. Air Pressure – It is vital that the tire pressure matches the manufacturer’s recommendations and be checked with an appropriate pressure gauge at least once per month. Incorrectly inflated tires increase tire wear, fuel consumption and can lead to tire failure.
  2. Tread Depth – As the tread grips to the road as you drive, if it is not deep enough, a car loses traction and suffers extended braking times. Be sure to inspect your tires regularly in accordance with local government safety regulations.
  3. Condition – Tires should be checked regularly to ensure there are no objects around the tire and in the tread. Any issues should be checked immediately by a professional.

Join the campaign with us on social media to support National Tire Safety Week using the hashtags #NationalTireSafetyWeek2020 #NTSW2020 & #KnowYourRoll.
