Did you know that TECH was the first company to introduce “Centre-Over Injury” Radial repairs?
Over our 80-year history, TECH has developed a variety of products for a wide range of applications such as a complete line of repair units expertly designed and engineered to repair the crown, shoulder or sidewall of all types and sizes of Radial tires. Available for both chemical and heat cure application processes, the repair units are fabric reinforced with high quality cushion gum and coupled with TECH’s repair stems, chemicals and tools, provide a complete solution for a permanent repair lasting the life of the tire.
For OTR repairs, TECH’s Centech repair units are reinforced with Aramid cord for maximum strength. The repairs are very flexible resulting in easy installation, minimising the chances of trapped air as well as restoring the strength of the tire with little resistance to the tire’s flex characteristics. We have also expanded this product range by developing repairs with larger ply platforms, therefore increasing the repairable injury possibilities (available patch sizes reach 355mm x 565mm).

For Bias tires, TECH’s BP range has proven popular in the industry with products also available for cold chemical cure or with TECH’s Thermacure gum for heat cure applications. Recognising the demand for larger repairs, our BPT range of products are designed with a wide ply reinforcement package that provides strength and flexibility over large injuries in agricultural and forestry tires.
TECH tire repairs embody over 80 years of innovation, expertise, safety and customer confidence. With global manufacturing and distribution in 96 countries including our Training and Distribution Centre of Excellence in Belgium, TECH produced repairs are endorsed by the world’s largest tire manufacturers and have repaired billions of tires around the world with every repair guaranteed for the life of the tire….Another reason why TECH continues to be the Tire & Wheel Authority Technicians Trust!